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Understanding What Motivates your Employees

Motivating Your Employees Strategies


As a business owner or manager, one of your top priorities is ensuring your team is happy, engaged, and motivated. But as you probably already know, motivating and engaging employees is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Every employee is different, and they have different goals, motivations, and priorities. This can be especially true for employees who have been with your company for a while and have already achieved a certain level of success.

In this blog post, we will explore the common challenges that managers face when trying to understand and engage their more experienced employees. We will also provide practical tips and strategies to help you better understand your employees and keep them motivated and engaged.

The Age Factor: Why Some Employees Stop Climbing the Ladder

Have you noticed that some of your employees seem to lose their drive and ambition once they reach a certain age or level of success? This is not an uncommon phenomenon. Many people, typically around the ages of 32-38, experience a shift in their priorities. They may start to focus more on their families, their health, or their hobbies. They may feel like they have achieved everything they wanted to in their careers and are no longer as motivated to climb the corporate ladder.

As a manager, it’s important to recognize this shift and adjust your leadership style accordingly. Instead of pushing these employees to constantly strive for more, you may need to focus more on helping them find a healthy work-life balance and ensuring that they are happy and fulfilled in their current roles.

Understanding What Motivates Your Employees

To effectively manage your team, you need to have a good understanding of what motivates each individual employee. For some, it may be the opportunity to learn and grow in their careers. For others, it may be recognition and praise for their hard work. And for some, it may simply be a paycheck that allows them to support their families and pursue their passions outside of work.

As a manager, it’s your job to figure out what motivates each employee and to tailor your leadership style accordingly. This requires regular communication and feedback, as well as a willingness to be flexible and adaptable.

Leadership Skills: The Importance of Communication and Feedback

To effectively manage your team, you need strong leadership skills. This includes the ability to communicate effectively, provide constructive feedback, and build strong relationships with your employees.

Regular communication is key to understanding your employees’ goals, motivations, and concerns. This means not only providing feedback on their performance but also actively listening to their feedback and addressing any issues or concerns they may have.

It’s also important to provide opportunities for growth and development, whether that means providing training and development programs or simply giving employees the chance to take on new challenges and responsibilities.

Balancing Family and Work: Supporting Your Employees’ Personal Lives

For many employees, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a top priority. As a manager, it’s important to support your employees’ personal lives and give them the flexibility they need to manage their responsibilities outside of work.

This may mean offering flexible schedules, remote work options, or other benefits that help employees balance their work and personal lives. It’s also important to be understanding and accommodating when employees need time off for personal reasons.

Employee Engagement: Keeping Your Team Motivated and Productive

Employee engagement is critical to keeping your team motivated and productive. This means creating a work environment that is challenging, fulfilling, and enjoyable for your employees.

One way to boost engagement is to create a positive work culture that values collaboration, creativity, and innovation. This can be achieved by promoting open communication and transparency, encouraging teamwork and collaboration, and recognizing and rewarding employee achievements.

It’s also important to provide opportunities for employees to give back to their communities and pursue their passions outside of work. This can include volunteering opportunities, professional development programs, and wellness initiatives.

Another key factor in employee engagement is recognition and reward. Employees who feel appreciated and recognized for their contributions are more likely to be engaged and motivated in their work. This can be achieved through regular feedback, praise, and rewards for exceptional performance.

Finally, it’s important to foster a sense of purpose and meaning in your employees’ work. This means helping them understand how their work contributes to the success of the company and the broader community. When employees feel like they are making a difference and contributing to something greater than themselves, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.


Understanding your employees and keeping them motivated and engaged is critical to the success of your business. As a manager, you need to be flexible, adaptable, and willing to listen to your employees’ needs and concerns. By focusing on effective communication, providing opportunities for growth and development, and supporting your employees’ personal lives, you can create a work environment that is challenging, fulfilling, and enjoyable for your team.

Remember, every employee is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for keeping them engaged and motivated. But by focusing on building strong relationships with your employees, providing opportunities for growth and development, and fostering a positive work culture, you can create a team that is motivated, engaged, and productive.

What strategies have you found most effective in understanding and motivating your more experienced employees who may have different priorities and goals than younger workers?

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